Feb 2, 2016



How To Choose the Best Video-Capable Cameras

Posted: 01 Feb 2016 06:26 AM PST

With today's technological innovations, we are now seeing devices that can do a lot more than what they previously could do. Take the case of the cameras today that are not only capable of taking pictures but can also take videos as well.

Thus, many consumers and even pros like surrey wedding photographer are not only looking at image quality when they are shopping for digital cameras but now, even video quality as well. But while are all pretty much capable of shooting high definition video, they pretty much differ with the internals of their video functionality. Something we will discuss here in a bit more detail.

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To be specific, the most important feature to check out in the camera is its sensor size. Simply put, the sensor size affects the camera's video capabilities, particularly in the elements of depth of field, field of view, light sensibility, and even the lenses available. We shall take a look at each element and how the sensor plays an important factor.

Field of View

Field of view provides how your subject is viewed at a given distance. In general, larger sensors provide a wide view of the subject compared to smaller sensors which only capture a portion of that wide view the large sensors captured.

Depth of Field

Depth of field determines how sharp the subject and/or the background would look in the video. This is the element at play in films and TV shows where we see the subject is in focus but the background behind the subject is blurred, which is an example of a shallow depth of field.

What does sensor size have to do with it? Well if you would like to have such effect on your video, this is achieved if your camera has a large sensor, like a full-frame sensor for instance. Smaller sensors have a bit more difficulty achieving such effects.

Light Sensitivity

Larger sensors are more sensitive to light, which brings out more vivid detail in photos, as well as in videos. This is very important when it comes to shooting videos in low light environments.


Another important feature to check in the camera is the video resolution. If you are looking into shooting a lot of videos in your camera, then your camera should be capable of shooting high definition videos. At the very least, the camera should support at least a 1080p resolution for video. And if you're looking something with better quality or something cinema-like in video quality, consider checking out cameras capable of shooting 4K video resolution, which is the highest video quality available today.


While sensor size and video resolution play a significant role in the camera's video capability, there are a number of important features to consider as well which may be crucial for your videography needs.

ISO Range

Some cameras like prosumers, mirrorless, and DSLR cameras offer a choice to change your camera's ISO settings. In this case, it is important to check out is the ISO range of the camera. The more ISO selections available provide for more choices in tweaking the light sensitivity of the camera to create more satisfactory quality in the video.

Record Length

A number of cameras have a limit as to how many minutes of video you can record in a single shot. That's something to consider if you would need to record an hour long video for instance.

Focus Assist

Some cameras offer this handy feature to help your camera keep focus on the subject with less to no loss in video quality.

Flip out Screen

This is very helpful for you to be able to do low shots or the subject to be able to see himself/herself as to how he/she would appear in the camera.

Slow Motion

Some cameras offer slow motion feature that allows you to capture slow motion videos during production


Depending on the camera you're considering for video, you may or may not be able to change lenses of the camera. And if you're looking into doing more extensive videography, that would play an important factor. With that said, point-and-shoot and other cameras that won't let you change its lens may not be suited for those looking into doing more advanced video work. You may have to go with mirrorless or DSLR cameras to do the job instead.

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